Habitat for Humanity Maui

Become a Habitat Maui Homeowner

Habitat for Humanity Maui provides underserved residents with the opportunity to own a home with an affordable, no interest, mortgage. We serve residents earning 25% to 80% of the median income in Maui County.

Partner families are families that are selected for Habitat for Humanity Maui’s housing program and must meet the requirements in order to qualify. We offer families a HAND UP not a hand out.

Why become a Habitat Maui Homeowner?

Affordable. Habitat Maui homes are sold based on your family size and income. This helps ensure that your monthly mortgage payments will be manageable.

Stability. The safe and secure environment of a home provides you and your family the foundation to build wealth and invest in your future.

Education. As part of our homeownership program, you will learn the skills to manage your debt and budget for your future home through group workshops and one-on-one credit counseling.

Do you qualify for Habitat Maui’s housing program?

To become a Habitat Maui homeowner, applicants must meet three main requirements:

Need for affordable housing. Prospective partner families must meet the HUD Income Limits (see below).

Willingness to partner. Applicant must be willing to partner with the organization throughout the process. This partnership includes contributing sweat equity hours by helping with the construction of their home or homes of others in our homeownership program. Sweat equity can be completed in a variety of ways such as volunteer in the ReStore, helping with a fundraising event, or providing snacks and lunch for volunteers.

Ability to pay. Applicants must have the income ability to repair their interest free loan and meet credit guidelines.

If you would like to learn more about our Homeownership Program please contact Family Services at [email protected] or 808-242-1140.


Unfortunately Habitat for Humanity Maui is not accepting application for new construction homes at the moment unless you are already in possession of land. If you have privately/family owned land or Hawaiian Homestead land, unable to to afford to build on it, and meet the qualifications, you may qualify to submit an application.

Please complete the application in its entirety to better help us to determine if you will qualify for Habitat Maui’s Homeownership Program.

In order to apply you must complete a full application packet to help us to determine if you qualify for the Habitat program. You can download the application or call 242-1140 and request one be mailed.


How to Turn In Application Sheet – Instructions on how and where to submit your application

Document Check List – Use this list to help ensure that you have all documents needed when submitting your application

Application – Please fill it out thoroughly and sign and date the last page

IRS Tax Form 4506-T – Request for Transcript of Tax Return; required for verification of income for the previous two years

Credit Report Consent – Credit checks are required; completion of this form allows Habitat Maui to order and preview your credit report

Credit Counseling Authorization – In order to provide you with free credit counseling, as required as part of our program, you must complete this consent form to participate

Verification of Employment – Applicant shall complete boxes 7 & 8 only. Habitat Maui will mail this form to your employer to complete the remaining parts and is used to verify your employment

Verification of Public Assistance – If you are receiving any public assistance, please complete this form so you are able to have your benefits considered when applying. This will be sent to the County to verify any assistance you are receiving.

Landlord Verification – Complete the top portion and release only. Bottom portion will be mailed directly to your landlord verifying your rent and payment history. If you are a property owner, please note “Property Owner” on the form.

If you have any questions regarding our housing programs or application please contact Family Services at [email protected] or 808-242-1140.


We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.