Habitat for Humanity Maui

Give Crypto. Give Aloha.

Build homes, communities, and hope by donating Cryptocurrency to Habitat Maui.

Habitat Maui believes a home is more than shelter – it’s where families thrive. Our mission is to build decent housing and to renovate substandard housing on Maui in partnership with community volunteers and potential homeowners so that homelessness and substandard housing on Maui is eliminated.


Why Donate Cryptocurrency?

  • Help build safe and stable housing for families.
  • Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax efficient ways to support your favorite cause. If you want to learn more about how donating crypto can lower your taxes, check out thegivingblock.com/faq. Talk to your cyrpto-savvy tax professional to learn more about your tax benefits.
  • It’s easy and convenient. We’ve partnered with The Giving Block who provides a safe and secure platform for Cryptocurrency donations.

Which Cryptocurrencies are accepted?

We accept a large variety of cryptocurrencies with new ones being accepted frequently. Use our personalized widget, powered by The Giving Block, shared above to see the most up-to-date list.